Our Templar consultants share some of their favourite talks aimed at inspiring and challenging you to reach new heights. Today we highlight four videos from the TEDx community.
1. The happy secret to better work
In a hilarious talk, psychologist Shaw Achor takes listeners and viewers on a 12-minute journey exploring the science of happiness. By reversing the formula for happiness and success, we’ll perform better work, be more creative and work faster. So instead of working harder to become more successful and then happier, we should try and raise our levels of positivity and the natural outcome is that we become better at what we do. Anchor is the author of the best-selling books Before Happiness and The Happiness Advantage.
2. The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers
Why we love it:
Organisational psychologist Adam Grant received a standing ovation for this Ted talk and racked up a staggering 1 million views in just five days. He uses personal examples and research results to engage and inspire, putting forward three clear messages: don’t rush into completing a task but rather allow yourself time to generate new ideas; kill self-doubt and instead try idea-doubt; and lastly, move from inaction to action.
3. How to get better at things you care about
It’s all about differentiating yourself and what you do, whether you’re in the “Performance Zone” or in the “Learning Zone”. Eduardo Briceño, the co-founder and CEO of Mindset Work, explores what behaviours to adopt in each zone and what to be conscious about to ensure you achieve your desired outcomes and grow. Example – how should you behave when you’re in a training session versus when you’re presenting a high stakes piece to ensure the most successful outcomes for yourself and those who are listening and interacting with you.
4. Draw Your Future – Take Control of Your Life
Why we love it:
Patti Dobrowolski, author of Drawing Solutions: How Visual Goal Setting Will Change Your Life, is not only passionate and cool in this talk but she’s a great drawer to boot. Patti demonstrates how using techniques such as visual goal setting can have a major impact on your life. Grab a pen and paper and get motivated to transform your reality.