Charity focus: Refining messages that matter

The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) is the UK’s leading children’s charity. Its mission is to prevent child cruelty and raise awareness about this issue.

Started in 1884, the organisation also provides the Childline service, where counselors are available 24 hours a day, ready to help children and anyone worried about the protection and care of children in the UK.


The NSPCC is also one of the UK’s oldest charities focusing on children, yet it receives nearly no government support. It relies overwhelmingly on donations from members of the public and businesses, therefore delivering key messages and weaving a story that attracts and retains supporters are of critical importance to their work.

Templar Advisors stepped in to offer a session on refining messaging and presentation skills.

One story. One thousand possible interpretations.

Our philosophy at Templar is etched in the belief that each person and need is different.

We believe in the power and necessity of precise communication. We also believe that every individual has their own way of communicating this story effectively. 


Templar founder, Joseph Bikart along with Johnny Ryan worked with Nicholas Colley, NSPCC Partnership Development Manager,  and two of his colleagues. All three spend a lot of his time working on pitches aimed at securing and retaining significant support.


“Sometimes, these nerves were working their way into how my presentations were coming across. Joe and his team taught me to master these feelings and channel this energy in a more positive way.

They are masters at the art of oratory, getting their students to understand its key principles but, above all, helping them to relax into their own style and deliver presentations in a more natural and authentic way.”

WHat the future looks like

Touching base a few months after our session, Nicholas has reported that his time spent with Templar consultants has helped with his preparation for major pitches and increased his confidence and overall delivery style.

“It has improved my confidence in presentational situations, which has led to an increased number of public speaking engagements. Through Templar’s training we have a number of upcoming pitches that we will hopefully be in a better position to win and secure significant new support for the NSPCC.”

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