Templar is a leading global communications coaching and training firm. We specialise in the financial services sector.


We work with businesses and individuals to enhance every aspect of their communications. We help improve client relationships, executive presence, financial presentations and pitches with advice, training and one to one coaching. Our clients include leading global investment banks, traditional and alternative asset managers, insurers and professional service firms.


Templar was founded in 2000. We have coached and trained across multiple business cycles, from the 1999-2000 Web 1.0 IPO boom, the evolving regulatory environment post the 2007-2009 Financial Crisis, and the rapid growth in Alternatives since 2009. Over that time our clients have ranged from balance sheet-led ‘money’ banks to boutique advisory firms, and from top five long-only asset managers to multi-strategy alternatives managers and leading hedge funds.


Our consultants, many of whom have been in management or coverage roles at leading financial institutions, bring real expertise to our work with clients. Our approach is consistently at the leading edge, as it is informed by the most relevant field and academic research. This specialised insight enables us to provide practical, nuanced and differentiating advice to our clients.



Templar’s coaching and training is practical, relevant and actionable. The sessions are high-impact and center around our clients’ real business challenges. Participants are able to take new skills and techniques back to the desk immediately.


Clients call on Templar for communications advice at critical moments in the lifecycles of their businesses. That includes corporate clients embarking on IPO or M&A processes… And, investors raising capital in the public and private markets.


For many Templar clients, their professional reputations to a significant degree rely on their effectiveness in high-profile meetings and pitches. We equip them to achieve the optimal outcome – winning the business, negotiating a better price, or simply impressing their audience.


“I wanted to thank you again for the course – truly the most effective presentation training I have taken. We say it all the time in technology, but that struggle we went through is the most important piece to learning a new skill.”

Director, Cyber-security, global investment bank.

“Thanks so much for the helpful session and the materials!  I highly recommended it to our HR partners so that others in my division are encouraged to sign up for a session in the future” 

VP, Senior research analyst, US asset manager

“Truly appreciated all of your tips – the Templar session was hands down the best part of the two-day Off-site.”

VP, US private equity firm

“Amazing training session and definitely came away with a lot of good tips and more confidence. Really appreciate it.” 

Director, US advisory bank

“I am sure your seminar can take anybody’s career to the next level.”

Director, Private Wealth Management

“I thought was great.  Certainly the best of its kind I have attended.  He spoke our language and understood as much about the sales process as anyone not sitting in this type of seat can.”

Director, FX Sales – global investment bank.

“I frankly am amazed at how much I believe I accomplished in a short time.” 

Director, Corporate & Investment Banking, US global bank.

“I found the course to be extremely helpful. [My firm] should hire you as a full time guy training employees and helping our clients. “

Director, US Asset Manager

“These are the kind of small group or 1:1 sessions that are truly valuable.”

Director, US global investment bank

“We have seen dramatic results after only a few sessions…The feedback couldn’t be more positive.” 

Managing Principal, Capital Formation – US asset manager
Managing Principal,

“Thank you for the very enlightening session! You make it seem so easy!” 

VP, Private Asset Management

“The session was interesting as well as helpful and will definitely utilize the techniques discussed.” 

VP, global investment bank

“Thanks so much for all your help and coaching on the presentation. It made such a difference that you were familiar with the subject matter and gave me some great tips for the delivery.” 

Senior Quant Researcher, Global Asset Manager
Senior Quant Researcher,

“I thought it was super helpful to see yourself on camera speaking and to really dig in critically on the areas where we can each improve.” 

Director, global investment bank

“Honestly, the most useful training I’ve gotten since I started at [bank].”

Managing Director, FX Sales – global investment bank
Managing Director,

“To sum the course up it was simply ‘brilliant’. It has been one of the best courses I have attended both in person and virtually.” 

VP, leading global speciality insurer

“I’ve worked with Templar for over 20  years and have seen first-hand the value of  management teams  investing time in their  coaching. It all pays dividends in the IPO. “

Managing Director,  European Capital Markets Advisory
Managing Director,

 “There was nothing that we did in that room that wasn’t helpful…” 

Global Head,  Institutional Client Group of a major bank on attending Templar training
Global Head,

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