by T3mpl4r4dv150r5 | Jan 4, 2016 | Learning and development
This post isn’t about winning a pitch or clinching a deal: it’s about building successful, long-term relationships with clients. How? The clue is in the title: make client relationships better. We’ve studied the behaviours and tactics of some of...
by T3mpl4r4dv150r5 | Dec 10, 2015 | Executive presence, Negotiation
Annoying. Scratchy. Disinterested. Sexist. Innovative. Unprofessional. Vocal fry is all over the opinion pages lately, despite being a far-from-new phenomenon. This ‘popping’, drawn out style of speech was first recorded in British men in the 1960s, who – it’s thought...
by T3mpl4r4dv150r5 | Nov 11, 2015 | Executive presence, Learning and development, Negotiation
Since 1991, Tower Hamlets Education Business Partnership (THEBP) have been filling the gap between school, college and the world of work in the Tower Hamlets area. The charity supports the education, training and development of young people by linking businesses and...
by T3mpl4r4dv150r5 | Nov 3, 2015 | Presentation skills
The world’s fastest female speaker, Fran Capo, can manage 11 words a second. That is really speaking fast. She could read this whole article aloud in less than a minute. As you can see in the video, the words are distinct and audible but it’s not so easy to...
by T3mpl4r4dv150r5 | Oct 21, 2015 | Executive presence
Do you think that CEOs should all be Apprentice-style despots? Forget it. True executive presence is not founded on shouting the loudest, blowing your own trumpet or having the biggest ego. You can Trump Sugar with a softer (but more effective) style. ‘High...